Hi! It’s me, Mollie!

I am an educator turned UX Designer who centers users in my designs the same way I centered my students in my classroom. I care about people and efficiency and am always strving to make things easier in my designs as well as in my own life!

I am fasicinated by people and grateful for many personal and professional opportunites that have created intersections with those different than me.Each has developed my curiosity, empathy and desire to understand others.

I’m a detail-oriented systems-thinker, a question asker, and a curious soul, and bring all of this to my designs. I also love plants 🌱


  • Hello Coffee

    Original business webpage and responsive design for a local coffee shop.

    Hello Coffee
  • Roll Mobility

    Feature addition and end-to-end design for a community accessibility mobile application.

    Roll Mobility
  • Medecipher

    End-to-End web application design for nurse scheduling software driven by machine learning.


My strengths are initiative, asking questions, and ceaselessly centering the human user in my designs.

I create consistency in the face of complexity.

Let’s grow together!